Embodied Ethics, an Experiential Exploration
An 8-session online course for those in positions of power & responsibility
Next course TBA

In the words of a participant:
“As someone who works very intimately with people and their issues, a new definition of ethics is not only welcome but necessary! The integrity with which Christiane teaches and holds discussion groups is awe inspiring. This class is NEXT LEVEL in so many ways. I love a good challenge and what this class opens up is a beautiful challenge of re-writing old definitions, looking within for new ones and living and working in new more connected ways. Thank you!”
Our ethics live in our most intimate landscape, the place where our heart, soul and ego weave together to meet the world. They are an expression of our experience of belonging in and to the world. They are not a static set of rules to which we adhere. There are not personal ethics and professional ethics. There is only the lived behavior of belonging that constitutes our ethical participation.
This course will focus on the verb Ethics rather than the noun. Join me and a small cohort of fellow pioneers as we explore this essential terrain in the ongoing development of the radical practitioner, (teacher, practitioner, parent, medical professional, employer, clergy member, and more) of ourselves.

In the words of a participant:
“This course has encouraged me to look far beyond the cultural norm of ‘do no harm’, to free myself from the prison this stance held me in, and to recognise both my impact and my ability to repair or create the space to enable others to heal. This freedom has allowed me to speak my truth and show up in the world far more as my true self, which in turn models this freedom for others. Thank you.”
In this program, we will:
Explore a brief contextual, historical review of our current concept of ‘ethics’, including a review of the state of our ethics in Western society
Using a cross-cultural framework we will deconstruct our often erroneous understanding of power – what it is, and what it’s not
Introduce a new concept of ethics; what it is and what it’s not
Re-contextualize ethics in an ecological framework (once we’ve established that being ethical is not about being good or following the rules)
Examine the intersection of our power & responsibility and our experience of our belonging, reflecting on the different relationships we have with these essential aspects of our human experience
dive deep into the intimate terrain of our ethical decision-making; here is where we will spend the majority of our time together, giving each participant the opportunity to both witness others and be witnessed, to identify and befriend the vulnerabilities that cause us to ignore the directives that come from the heart of our ecologically embedded ethical self
The structure of our sessions:
Once we’ve established a shared vocabulary –– within fishbowl-style small-group councils, we will explore the landscape and weather conditions in which we each, uniquely, fall out of our seat of power and responsibility, and are more apt to misuse our power or mis-calculate the amount of power we hold
Each small council group will be presented with a dilemma and will be supported and witnessed as they work through this dilemma, spending time first to identify the ways each council member is activated and inspired by the dilemma…
Do we tend to identify with the victim in the dynamic? Or the perpetrator? Do we always see this dichotomy in every interaction, imagining a this or that, right or wrong structure? Are there particular scenarios that are more apt to toss us out of our seat of power, to activate a wounded one who never got heard or a warrior looking for a wrong to right? Where are we most likely to have equanimity and curiosity? In which situations do we lean in with an open adult mind, and in which do we ‘see red’, heart racing, blood pumping, certain we know the answer?
First and foremost this round of Embodied Ethics is an intimate seminar. It is for all those who hold positions of power including clergy, medical and legal professionals, teachers and professors, parents, therapist and coaches and those who employ and manage others, to name only a few. Having said that, it is for those who have enough resilience that you’re able to withstand generous and compassionate reflection, even if it doesn’t fit with your currently-held concept of yourself. This seminar is structured to challenge us in the ways we rarely, but desperately need to, get challenged. It is not therapy. It is likely we will each leave at least one session feeling tender and in need of some support from our trusted people. This is as it should be. When we are honored to sit in seats of power we must be able and willing to be challenged to occupy those seats with a fiercely attuned ethical compass. This doesn’t happen without the (likely frequent) experience of discomfort and courageous self-exploration.
Of course, there will be so much more that none of us will be able to predict because this is, first and foremost, an experiential program. Once we’ve pushed our little boat away from the shore, who knows where we will end up!?
Specific dates TBS, 8 2-hour sessions online
No more than 16 participants
Your registration means you’ve committed to attending *at least* 6 out of our 8 sessions
Please consider carefully the tuition tier that is right for you. We live in the most financial disparity ever seen in human history and most so-called developed cultures encourage a poverty mentality that would have even the wealthiest among us feeling as if they require more. Yet when we practice true generosity – for some of us, stepping forward with what we have, and for others, knowing when we must receive – we are helping infuse ethics into a deeply fractured system and shifting from a transaction-based economy to a values-based one.
This 8-week course is for you if:
You long for a deeper understanding of ethics, accountability, responsibility and the values which seed healthy cultures of practice with our clients and our communities
You seek a community that is specifically focused on exploring and languaging the terrain of ethics that move beyond the carceral model
You are hungry to understand more of your own unique ethical compass, to discover your ethical kryptonite but also your ethical super powers
You feel confused and unsatisfied by the code of conduct and ethics you were presented by your profession and you’re seeking a place to build your own internal ethical structure
You have violated ethical guidelines, and/or witnessed their violation, and want to understand the systems and structures – internal and external – that enabled the violation, allowing you to build the foundations of repair and possibly prevent future harm/rupture
If you’re uncertain about whether you’re appropriate for this program, please reach out to me for a quick conversation.

In the words of a participant:
“I found this experience to be very thoughtfully complementary to more conventional approaches: posing very helpful, thought-provoking questions and considerations.”
Embodied Ethics, an Experiential Exploration
An 8-session online course for humans in positions of power & responsibility
A few caveats: while we will be spending the majority of our time in the terrain of actual ethical dilemmas, this is not the place to unravel highly charged, still-painful, unresolved interactions or ethical breaches. It’s also not the place to insist on our rightness or attempt to gain validation for prior actions for which we have been called out (or in). While I will be providing the ethical dilemmas for this seminar, it’s likely you’ll identify with at least one of the scenarios. This is the terrain within which you’ll receive the most benefit from this experience. But not if you’re still awaiting justice from a previous experience, or needing to be seen in a particular light to assuage a past experience of shame. If this describes you, this might not be the time to join us in this adventure.
You’re probably already on to the crux of this course – it will be intimate. We cannot come to be intimately engaged with the fabric of our ethics without being in some of the most intimate terrain. Be prepared to be seen and known by your fellow participants. Be prepared to be humbled and empowered, to wrestle with shame and uncertainty.
If you’re uncertain about whether you’re a fit for this program, please reach out to me for a quick conversation.
Course Facilitator
Christiane Pelmas