Wandering Into Wellness:
An Essential Embodied Approach To Wellness, Resilience & Belonging
While each of these 90-minute recordings are structured as stand-alone classes, the curriculum, from session to session, is interrelated and will build on itself as we progress through all four, so you may find that you get much more if you watch in order. This series includes the following four classes.
Wandering Into Wellness:
An Essential Embodied Approach To Wellness, Resilience & Belonging
Finding Pleasure in Sensation:
An Introduction to Erotic Embodiment
Embodied pleasure, in its many forms, is a basic requirement for our neurological, spiritual and embodied wholeness. Yet understanding and cultivating embodied pleasure can be a confusing endeavor.
The cultural controlling arm of Western Industrial Culture demonizes pleasure, while the economic and marketing arm sells us pleasure as if it is junk food -– to be binge consumed voraciously and without care. Within that confusing swirl is the individual themselves; a person who was raised within a family with its own unique ethos around pleasure, both its overt and covert narratives, rules and expectations.
As practitioners within the fields of sexual wellness and arousal, it is all-too-easy to find ourselves preferencing the peak arousal experiences, the overtly ‘ooh-ahh’ experiences, without reminding our clients that embodied pleasure comes in myriad form -– including the subtle, including the experiences that are more sensation than pleasure.
Here, we expand our work so we are helping clients orient toward and be attuned to sensation – including but not limited to what feels ‘good’. Here, we are in the terrain of erotic embodiment, where we prioritize participatory, ever-unfolding, nutrient-dense experiences which truly feed brain and body, spirit and soul. Providing our clients with the permission and guidance to welcome and even seek out sensation (as opposed to the pressure of high-octane pleasure) not only expands the field of possibilities for satisfaction and embodiment but also helps nourish the often-starved neurology within bodies containing unsequenced trauma.
This 90-minute class includes:
An introduction to the terrain of ‘erotic embodiment’
Understanding the role of sensation in our clients’ wellness
Creating the conditions to find pleasure within sensation
An exploration of barriers to sensation
An exploration of, and discernment between, numbness, lack of sensation, discomfort, and pain